import * as DataViewImport from './helpers/DataView.js'
import CacheDefinitionLoader from './CacheDefinitionLoader.js'
import CacheRequester from './CacheRequester.js'
import Index from './cacheTypes/Index.js'
import CacheLoader from './CacheLoader.js'
import IndexType from './cacheTypes/IndexType.js'
import ConfigType from './cacheTypes/ConfigType.js'
* @typedef options
* @property {boolean} threaded Use a Web Worker to read from the cache. Slower than non-threaded since threading overhead is big. Useful for web apps to have a responsive UI
* @property {boolean} isAnimaya Used while loading animations. Uses a different loading method for Animaya animations. OSRSCacheReader sets this internally on it's own if using ModelDefinition's loadAnimation method
* @property {boolean} earlyStop Used while loading Animaya animations. Stops the reader early to just get the skeleton info
* @property {boolean} loadSprites Used while loading Texture defs. Automatically grabs the corresponding sprite file
* @property {boolean} cacheResults Save def on archive file after decompressing contents. Useful for quicker loading if loading the same thing multiple times but also can increase memory usage
* Creates a RSCache reader
* @category Base
* @param {string} cacheRootDir
* @param {function(number):void} progressFunc Progress function callback. Passes 1 parameter which is the amount of progress from the last step (not total progress)
class RSCache {
constructor(cacheRootDir = "./", progressFunc = () => {}) {
this.indicies = {};
this.progressFunc = progressFunc;
const cacheLoader = new CacheLoader(cacheRootDir);
this.onload = cacheLoader.getResults().then(result => {
this.cacheRequester = new CacheRequester(result.datFile);
return this.#loadCacheFiles(result.indexFiles).then(() => {
#progress(amount) {
* Get a cache Index file.
* @method
* @param {(Number | IndexType)} index
* @returns [Index]{@link Index}
getIndex(index) {
let indexId;
if ( === "Object") {
indexId =;
} else if (!isNaN(index)) {
indexId = Number(index);
index = this.indicies[indexId];
if (index == undefined) {
throw "Index " + indexId + " does not exist";
return index;
#checkIfCachingResults(options, indexType) {
if (options.cacheResults == undefined) {
if ( == || == { // dont save models and maps if cacheResults isnt set
options.cacheResults = false;
} else {
options.cacheResults = true;
* Gets all of the files from an archive and loads their definitions if possible.
* @param {(Number | IndexType)} indexId Can be a number or IndexType
* @param {(Number)} archiveId Can be a number but also can be a ConfigType if IndexType is CONFIG
* @param {options} options
* @returns Array<[File]{@link File}>
async getAllFiles(indexId, archiveId, options = {}) {
try {
let index = this.getIndex(indexId);
let archive = index.getArchive(archiveId);
this.#checkIfCachingResults(options, index);
if (archive.filesLoaded) {
return archive.files;
let data;
if (options.threaded) {
data = await this.cacheRequester.readDataThreaded(index, index.indexSegments[].size, index.indexSegments[].segment,;
} else {
data = await this.cacheRequester.readData(index, index.indexSegments[].size, index.indexSegments[].segment,;
archive = index.archives[data.archiveId];
let filePromise = new CacheDefinitionLoader(, archive, options).loadAllFiles(this);
if (options.cacheResults) { //it will readData again since filesLoaded will be false
archive.filesLoaded = true;
return filePromise;
} catch (e) {
* Gets a single file from an archive and load its definition if possible.
* @param {(Number | IndexType)} indexId Can be a number or IndexType
* @param {(Number)} archiveId Can be a number but also can be a ConfigType if IndexType is CONFIG
* @param {Number} fileId Id of the file to get from the archive
* @param {options} options
* @returns [File]{@link File}
async getFile(indexId, archiveId, fileId = 0, options = {}) {
return this.getAllFiles(indexId, archiveId, options).then((x) => x[fileId]);
* Helper method to map getAllFiles results to definitions
* @param {(Number | IndexType)} indexId Can be a number or IndexType
* @param {(Number)} archiveId Can be a number but also can be a ConfigType if IndexType is CONFIG
* @param {options} options
* @returns Definition
async getAllDefs(indexId, archiveId, options = {}) {
try {
let files = await this.getAllFiles(indexId, archiveId, options);
return => x.def);
} catch (e) {
* Helper method to map getFile results to its definition
* @param {(Number | IndexType)} indexId Can be a number or IndexType
* @param {(Number)} archiveId Can be a number but also can be a ConfigType if IndexType is CONFIG
* @param {Number} fileId Id of the definition to get from the archive
* @param {options} options
* @returns Definition
async getDef(indexId, archiveId, fileId = 0, options = {}) {
return this.getAllDefs(indexId, archiveId, options).then((x) => x[fileId]);
* Helper method to get a NPC definition
* @param {Number} id NPC Id
* @param {options} options
* @returns [NpcDefinition]{@link NpcDefinition}
async getNPC(id, options = {}) {
return this.getDef(IndexType.CONFIGS, ConfigType.NPC, id, options);
* Helper method to get an Item definition
* @param {Number} id Item Id
* @param {options} options
* @returns ItemDefinition
async getItem(id, options = {}) {
return this.getDef(IndexType.CONFIGS, ConfigType.ITEM, id, options);
* Helper method to get an Object definition
* @param {Number} id Object Id
* @param {options} options
* @returns ObjectDefinition
async getObject(id, options = {}) {
return this.getDef(IndexType.CONFIGS, ConfigType.OBJECT, id, options);
/** Closes the cache and cleans up the web worker pool */
close() {
#loadCacheFiles(indexFiles) {
let idx255Data = indexFiles[indexFiles.length - 1];
let idxFileData = indexFiles.slice(0, indexFiles.length - 1);
//theres probably a better way of doing this
//also not completely sure yet if this really needs to be done for index 255
//return Promise.all(idxFiles).then((idxFileData) => {
for (let i = 0; i <= idxFileData.length; i++) {
let dataview;
if (i == idxFileData.length) { //ugly fix, needs to be improved
dataview = new DataView(idx255Data.buffer);
i = 255;
} else {
if (idxFileData[i] == undefined) continue;
dataview = new DataView(idxFileData[i].buffer);
this.indicies[i] = new Index(i);
for (let j = 0; j < dataview.byteLength; j += 6) {
let size = dataview.readUint24();
let segment = dataview.readUint24();
this.indicies[i].indexSegments.push({ size, segment });
return this.#loadIndicies(idx255Data);
#loadIndicies(idxData) {
let dataview = new DataView(idxData.buffer);
//could probably use the indexSegments or remove the weird i = 255 part from loadCacheFiles
//might look better if j++, but works for now
let indexPromises = [];
for (let j = 0; j < dataview.byteLength; j += 6) {
let size = dataview.readUint24();
let segment = dataview.readUint24();
let index = this.indicies[j / 6];
if (index == undefined) continue;
let data = this.cacheRequester.readData(index, size, segment);
//since this is async now the onload is considered complete before its completed
//this call is completed before loadIndexData is completed
//the onload promise needs to complete when all of the loadIndexDatas have completed
data.then(x => {
this.#progress((60) / (dataview.byteLength / 6));
this.indexPromises = indexPromises;
return Promise.all(indexPromises);
export default RSCache;