* @class NpcDefinition
* @category Definitions
* @hideconstructor
class NpcDefinition {
* The ID of this NPC
* @type {number}
* The models that compose the NPC
* @type {Array}
models = [];
* Name of the NPC
* @type {string}
* Tile size
* @type {number}
* Idle animation
* @type {number}
standingAnimation = -1;
* Walking animation
* @type {number}
walkingAnimation = -1;
/** @type {number} */
rotateLeftAnimation = -1;
/** @type {number} */
rotateRightAnimation = -1;
/** @type {number} */
rotate180Animation = -1;
/** @type {number} */
rotate90LeftAnimation = -1;
/** @type {number} */
rotate90RightAnimation = -1;
/** @type {number} */
/** @type {Array} */
actions = [];
* Color values to find to be replaced for this NPC
* @type {Array}
recolorToFind = [];
* What the color values will be replaced with
* @type {Array}
recolorToReplace = [];
* Textures to find to be replaced for this NPC
* @type {Array}
retextureToFind = [];
* What the texture will be replaced with
* @type {Array}
retextureToReplace = [];
* The models that will compose this NPC's chathead
* @type {Array}
chatheadModels = [];
* If this NPC will show on the minimap
* @type {boolean}
isMinimapVisible = true;
* This NPC's combat level
* @type {number}
combatLevel = -1;
/** @type {number} */
/** @type {boolean} */
* Number from 0 to 255. Overrides NPC model's ambient lighting
* @type {Byte}
* Number from 0 to 255. Overrides NPC model's contrast
* @type {Byte}
/** @type {Array} */
headIconArchiveIds = [];
/** @type {Array} */
headIconSpriteIndex = [];
/** @type {number} */
rotationSpeed = 32;
/** @type {number} */
varbitId = -1;
/** @type {number} */
varpIndex = -1;
/** @type {Array} */
configs = [];
/** @type {boolean} */
isInteractable = true;
/** @type {boolean} */
rotationFlag = true;
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {number} */
runAnimation = -1;
/** @type {number} */
runRotate180Animation = -1;
/** @type {number} */
runRotateLeftAnimation = -1;
/** @type {number} */
runRotateRightAnimation = -1;
/** @type {number} */
crawlAnimation = -1;
/** @type {number} */
crawlRotate180Animation = -1;
/** @type {number} */
crawlRotateLeftAnimation = -1;
/** @type {number} */
crawlRotateRightAnimation = -1;
/** @type {Array} */
params = [];
export { NpcDefinition };
export default class NpcLoader {
load(bytes, id) {
let def = new NpcDefinition();
def.id = id;
let dataview = new DataView(bytes.buffer);
do {
var opcode = dataview.readUint8();
this.handleOpcode(def, opcode, dataview);
} while (opcode != 0);
return def;
handleOpcode(def, opcode, dataview) {
var length;
var index;
if (opcode == 1) {
length = dataview.readUint8();
def.models = [];
for (index = 0; index < length; ++index) {
} else if (opcode == 2) {
var name = dataview.readString();
def.name = name;
else if (opcode == 12) {
def.size = dataview.readUint8();
else if (opcode == 13) {
def.standingAnimation = dataview.readUint16();
else if (opcode == 14) {
def.walkingAnimation = dataview.readUint16();
else if (opcode == 15) {
def.rotateLeftAnimation = dataview.readUint16();
else if (opcode == 16) {
def.rotateRightAnimation = dataview.readUint16();
else if (opcode == 17) {
def.walkingAnimation = dataview.readUint16();
def.rotate180Animation = dataview.readUint16();
def.rotate90RightAnimation = dataview.readUint16();
def.rotate90LeftAnimation = dataview.readUint16();
else if (opcode == 18) {
def.category = dataview.readUint16();
else if (opcode >= 30 && opcode < 35) {
if (def.actions == undefined)
def.actions = [];
var readString = dataview.readString();
def.actions[opcode - 30] = readString;
if (def.actions[opcode - 30] == "Hidden") {
def.actions[opcode - 30] = undefined;
else if (opcode == 40) {
length = dataview.readUint8();
def.recolorToFind = [];
def.recolorToReplace = [];
for (index = 0; index < length; ++index) {
else if (opcode == 41) {
length = dataview.readUint8();
def.retextureToFind = [];
def.retextureToReplace = [];
for (index = 0; index < length; ++index) {
else if (opcode == 60) {
length = dataview.readUint8();
def.chatheadModels = [];
for (index = 0; index < length; ++index) {
else if (opcode == 93) {
def.isMinimapVisible = false;
else if (opcode == 95) {
def.combatLevel = dataview.readUint16();
else if (opcode == 97) {
this.widthScale = dataview.readUint16();
else if (opcode == 98) {
def.heightScale = dataview.readUint16();
else if (opcode == 99) {
def.hasRenderPriority = true;
else if (opcode == 100) {
def.ambient = dataview.readInt8();
else if (opcode == 101) {
def.contrast = dataview.readInt8();
else if (opcode == 102) {
//def.headIcon = dataview.readUint16(); //before rev210
let bitfield = dataview.readUint8();
let len = 0;
for (let var5 = bitfield; var5 != 0; var5 >>= 1) {
def.headIconArchiveIds = [];
def.headIconSpriteIndex = [];
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if ((bitfield & 1 << i) == 0) {
else {
else if (opcode == 103) {
def.rotationSpeed = dataview.readUint16();
else if (opcode == 106) {
def.varbitId = dataview.readUint16();
if (def.varbitId == 65535) {
def.varbitId = -1;
def.varpIndex = dataview.readUint16();
if (def.varpIndex == 65535) {
def.varpIndex = -1;
length = dataview.readUint8();
def.configs = [];
for (index = 0; index <= length; ++index) {
def.configs[index] = dataview.readUint16();
if (def.configs[index] == '\uffff') {
def.configs[index] = -1;
def.configs[length + 1] = -1;
else if (opcode == 107) {
def.isInteractable = false;
else if (opcode == 109) {
def.rotationFlag = false;
else if (opcode == 111) {
def.isPet = true;
else if (opcode == 114) {
def.runAnimation = dataview.readUint16();
else if (opcode == 115) {
def.runAnimation = dataview.readUint16();
def.runRotate180Animation = dataview.readUint16();
def.runRotateLeftAnimation = dataview.readUint16();
def.runRotateRightAnimation = dataview.readUint16();
else if (opcode == 116) {
def.crawlAnimation = dataview.readUint16();
else if (opcode == 117) {
def.crawlAnimation = dataview.readUint16();
def.crawlRotate180Animation = dataview.readUint16();
def.crawlRotateLeftAnimation = dataview.readUint16();
def.crawlRotateRightAnimation = dataview.readUint16();
else if (opcode == 118) {
def.varbitId = dataview.readUint16();
if (def.varbitId == 65535) {
def.varbitId = -1;
def.varpIndex = dataview.readUint16();
if (def.varpIndex == 65535) {
def.varpIndex = -1;
var varVal = dataview.readUint16();
if (varVal == 0xFFFF) {
varVal = -1;
length = dataview.readUint8();
def.configs = [];
for (index = 0; index <= length; ++index) {
var value = dataview.readUint16();
if (def.configs[index] == '\uffff') {
} else {
else if (opcode == 249) {
length = dataview.readUint8();
def.params = {};
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var isString = dataview.readUint8() == 1;
var key = dataview.readInt24();
var value;
if (isString) {
value = dataview.readString();
else {
value = dataview.readInt32()
def.params[key] = value;